HOW TO?TEMPERATURE / THERMOSTATS Nest ThermostatsThis home is equipped with NEST Thermostats. Click on the picture for operating instructionsPOOL ALARM Per Florida Law, the home has a pool alarm on all downstairs doors. Click on the picture for operating instructionsPOOL / SPA / POOL LIGHTS Controls for the SPA and the Pool lights are near the gas grill. Click on the picture for operating instructionsTELEVISIONS & CHANNEL LIST Information on how to operate the televisions, channel lists and the gaming systems. Click on the picture for operating instructionsSOUND SYSTEM The home is equipped with a five-zone SONOS system for your listening enjoyment! Click on the picture for more detailsBARBECUE GRILL / TURN ON GAS Gas control valves are underneath the grill. Click on the picture for operating instructionsWIRELESS NETWORK There is a wireless network in the whole home and back patio. Click on the picture for sign-on detailsDAILY OPERATIONS (e.g., Garbage) Information on garbage pick-up and other details. Click on the picture for detailsCHECK-OUT We hope you truly enjoyed your stay and we hope you return soon!. Click on the image for check-out details. Views: 1,044